Friday, September 3, 2010

The story of our first two dwarf hamsters

I have first seen dwarf hamsters in a pet shop while scouting around to see what is new in the shop and what can I get to our chinchilla. There were a lot of them in a tank, in piles, many in the food dish. They were very small and looked so fragile but yet so curious, if I would go closer to the tank, like 10 little faces would turn and look straight at me...
Call it as you like, but that very night, while talking to my niece she told me that she just got 2 dwarf hamsters, that very day, from the same pet shop I've been to, only much earlier. She was telling me how cute they are, how she likes to feed them, how she lets them run in small runner balls around her room and how glad she is to have them.
Soon enought, not even a week later, my syster-in-law brings home with her from university a dwarf hamster. That was it, I couldn't handle it no more, I had to have one... or two for that matter... Again, I hit the web and search fast all I can about first needs of dwarf hamsters: cage, food, bedding and... having my niece and my syster-in-law having dwarf hamsters, I bugged them with a lot of questions too.
That day we had to go to the pet shop but we couldn't leave with only the "shopping list", we got the two dwarf hamsters, both girls, Nini and Fifi and all they needed to live with us.
We picked Fifi because she was the first to come to my hand and climb right over, as if she knew me forever and Nini because she had the biggest pouches stuffed with food, she was so cute!

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